Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Health Expo 09 : Aussie Helpers

Last week we had Health Expo 09 and we interviewed Sue Martin who works as an Aussie Helper volunteer and it’s really interesting when she explained to us about their job.

Aussie Helpers is a group of volunteers who help collect food and money and they help farmers in the bush when they are very poor and have had few crops for many years. They need help because of the bad weather, floods, drought and even bushfires.

Lots of people need help but they just can help some of them because they can't get everywhere. There are 30-40 volunteers in all, because nobody gets paid and some people come and go, so they can't help everyone. The Aussie Helpers go to help people who have had problems but they don't ask for help (they are too proud) but people tell somebody and somebody tells somebody else. Sometimes they hear about people in need through the bush telegraph.

With the money they collect they are able to buy animal foods, fuel for runnig the farm vehicles or to help people in the bush or where they need help.

1 comment:

rosa ochoa said...

Great report, Pat!

HOpe you have a good semester after a great break!